A non-exhaustive list of recommended books. Follow us on social media for more recommendations.

Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (FGM/C)
Cut: FGM in Britain Today By Hibo Wardere

Hibo Wardere’s memoir recounts her harrowing experience of undergoing female genital cutting (FGC) at the age of six in her home country. She details the brutal procedure and its lasting impact on her life. Moving to London as a teenager, she realised the practice was not accepted in the West and embarked on a journey to understand FGC’s roots while advocating against it. Today, she works as an FGC campaigner, helping girls at risk of undergoing the procedure. Her memoir sheds light on this medieval practice still occurring in the 21st century and highlights the need for action against FGC, particularly in the UK.

Desert Children By Waris Dirie

In her third book, Waris speaks to women who have been subjected to FGM in Europe. Her investigation estimates that up to 500,000 women and girls have undergone or are at risk of FGM in Europe. At the time of the book, no European country officially recognises FGM as a reason for asylum.

Gender Pain Gap, Menstrual Health, and Endometriosis
Pain and Prejudice: A call to arms for women and their bodies by Gabrielle Jackson

“Pain and Prejudice” delves into the disparity between women’s health issues and their treatment compared to men. It highlights shocking statistics, such as the underfunding of conditions like endometriosis and the lack of attention to women’s pain in medical settings. Gabrielle Jackson’s personal experience with endometriosis led to a broader investigation into how women are underserved by healthcare systems. The book confronts societal taboos and medical ignorance, advocating for better recognition and treatment of women’s health issues. It combines personal narrative with a call to action for improved healthcare for women.

Rebel Bodies: A guide to the gender health gap revolution By Sarah Graham

Sarah Graham’s investigation into the gender health gap reveals the alarming disparities in how men and women are treated within healthcare systems. Women often face dismissal, belittlement, and misdiagnosis when seeking medical attention. Graham sheds light on the experiences of women who have been gaslighted and mistreated by healthcare professionals. Through interviews with patients, doctors, and activists, she explores the challenges and advocates for change. Her work offers practical advice for women to advocate for their own health and shares inspiring stories of resilience and hope.

Invisible Women: the Sunday Times number one bestseller exposing the gender bias women face every day by Caroline Criado-Perez

Caroline Criado Perez’s “Invisible Women” exposes the pervasive gender bias that permeates various aspects of our lives. Through compelling case studies and research, Perez highlights how women are systematically overlooked and underserved in areas ranging from government policy and medical research to technology, workplaces, and the media. The book sheds light on the disastrous consequences of this neglect, offering a comprehensive exploration of the ways in which society fails to consider the needs and experiences of half the population.